Sunday 8 July 2012

democracy DOESN"T work.

At what point does a society get too big? Been thinking about this one for some time. Ok see if you can stay with me. We're going to go back to democracy in 2014. By the sounds of it democracy is apparently a magic bullet that will heal all the woes of Fiji. The thing is, democracy, even the really most liberal form of democracy practised today still leaves certain segments of a society unhappy. Know what I mean? As someone ( I don't know who) once said...democracy allows 51% of the population to oppress the other 49%. It's simplistic but it really does have a ring of truth to it. In my opinion anyway. So...can anything be done about it? That's the main question really isn't it? Say we go back to the polls in 2014, we elect a government, someone doesn;t like it, coup time again. The thing that has always bothered me about democracy is that it's a system where we give power to someone WHO IS ACTIVELY  seeking said power. I don't know about you but that seems kinda nuts to me. It's like someone said "Man I am a gun nut, love nothing better then shooting shit up...then you go and give him or her  an AK-47. It's messed up if you ask me ( or even if you don't, I'll fucking tell you anyway...haha!).
So how to solve this this? How to ensure that the voice of the people, ALL the people is truly heard...well how about the complete dissolution of what we think of as FIJI into separate SMALLER communities where people can be free to practise their beliefs or non-beliefs according to what they believe as decided by their entire community. So you could have a community where everyone is Christian and they run their community according to biblical standards and next community over could be made of people who want to live lives free from homophobia. People are given the choice to live their lives the way they want to. Complete choice, complete access to whichever community they want to live in. Each community can choose a leader or committee or whoever as their leader as long as each person not only has a VOTE but a SAY in the civic life of their community.  And maybe, each leader could have a say in what might be loosely described as a parliament that could meet to discuss issues that might affect all the communities ie "Fiji" Other then that each community could be as isolated as they want or as open as they want it to long as it's the members of that community who make the decision... I don't know if an idea like this will work and it's highly unlikely that it would ever be tried but still, it's something to think about instead of all the wanking off about democracy.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Hello world...(or rather that miniscule portion of the world that would bother reading this) Hahaha!

So I was at a thing all of this week. Talking about the constitution and making submissions and shit. I found it very interesting. Both the sessions themselves and the gang taking part. You have all these youths present and it kinda shocked me just how conventional they were. Got me wondering... Where are all the agnostics and atheists? The socialists and the communists? Hell, where are the anarchists and nihilists? Where are the youths who are ready to die fighting injustice? Are they just lazy? Is it apathy? Or are they just happy with the status quo? I got irritated at how these intellgient young people are singing one song and one song only.  Got so irritating that I would have been happy if ONE person had stood up and said that they unequivocally supported Fiji being a xtian state. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that whenyou're young you're supposed to be a radical, you're supposed to act like you have ALL the solutions to ALL the problems of the world. It's supposed to be a period of headiness when all the world feels like your playground. you're supposed to think things that would HORRIFY the generation before you...instead what we seem to have are a group of young people who seem scared to break out. I actually asked some gang there if they thought that the concept of a nation-state was an archaic notion in our globalsied world and if we really needed something called "Fiji"? Jeepers it's like I said something dirty. Now understand, I brought this up as a thought experiment (although I kinda like the idea of total dissolution) but the reactions were what got me. If you're in your 20's and parroting 20th Century Western ideals then something has gone wrong somewhere. I even got exasperated enough to ask why none of them had organised widespread protests or espoused civil disobedience if they were so anti-government...And it's funny how some seemed to think that democracy is the magic bullet that will fix everything...jeepers...Where are the young people chanting revolutionary slogans? Where are the young people speaking out against capitalism? Where are the young people supporting militant environmentalism? Im an anarchist and I did my bit triyng to spread my message...too bad it felt like coming up against a brick wall.