Sunday 8 July 2012

democracy DOESN"T work.

At what point does a society get too big? Been thinking about this one for some time. Ok see if you can stay with me. We're going to go back to democracy in 2014. By the sounds of it democracy is apparently a magic bullet that will heal all the woes of Fiji. The thing is, democracy, even the really most liberal form of democracy practised today still leaves certain segments of a society unhappy. Know what I mean? As someone ( I don't know who) once said...democracy allows 51% of the population to oppress the other 49%. It's simplistic but it really does have a ring of truth to it. In my opinion anyway. So...can anything be done about it? That's the main question really isn't it? Say we go back to the polls in 2014, we elect a government, someone doesn;t like it, coup time again. The thing that has always bothered me about democracy is that it's a system where we give power to someone WHO IS ACTIVELY  seeking said power. I don't know about you but that seems kinda nuts to me. It's like someone said "Man I am a gun nut, love nothing better then shooting shit up...then you go and give him or her  an AK-47. It's messed up if you ask me ( or even if you don't, I'll fucking tell you anyway...haha!).
So how to solve this this? How to ensure that the voice of the people, ALL the people is truly heard...well how about the complete dissolution of what we think of as FIJI into separate SMALLER communities where people can be free to practise their beliefs or non-beliefs according to what they believe as decided by their entire community. So you could have a community where everyone is Christian and they run their community according to biblical standards and next community over could be made of people who want to live lives free from homophobia. People are given the choice to live their lives the way they want to. Complete choice, complete access to whichever community they want to live in. Each community can choose a leader or committee or whoever as their leader as long as each person not only has a VOTE but a SAY in the civic life of their community.  And maybe, each leader could have a say in what might be loosely described as a parliament that could meet to discuss issues that might affect all the communities ie "Fiji" Other then that each community could be as isolated as they want or as open as they want it to long as it's the members of that community who make the decision... I don't know if an idea like this will work and it's highly unlikely that it would ever be tried but still, it's something to think about instead of all the wanking off about democracy.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Hello world...(or rather that miniscule portion of the world that would bother reading this) Hahaha!

So I was at a thing all of this week. Talking about the constitution and making submissions and shit. I found it very interesting. Both the sessions themselves and the gang taking part. You have all these youths present and it kinda shocked me just how conventional they were. Got me wondering... Where are all the agnostics and atheists? The socialists and the communists? Hell, where are the anarchists and nihilists? Where are the youths who are ready to die fighting injustice? Are they just lazy? Is it apathy? Or are they just happy with the status quo? I got irritated at how these intellgient young people are singing one song and one song only.  Got so irritating that I would have been happy if ONE person had stood up and said that they unequivocally supported Fiji being a xtian state. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that whenyou're young you're supposed to be a radical, you're supposed to act like you have ALL the solutions to ALL the problems of the world. It's supposed to be a period of headiness when all the world feels like your playground. you're supposed to think things that would HORRIFY the generation before you...instead what we seem to have are a group of young people who seem scared to break out. I actually asked some gang there if they thought that the concept of a nation-state was an archaic notion in our globalsied world and if we really needed something called "Fiji"? Jeepers it's like I said something dirty. Now understand, I brought this up as a thought experiment (although I kinda like the idea of total dissolution) but the reactions were what got me. If you're in your 20's and parroting 20th Century Western ideals then something has gone wrong somewhere. I even got exasperated enough to ask why none of them had organised widespread protests or espoused civil disobedience if they were so anti-government...And it's funny how some seemed to think that democracy is the magic bullet that will fix everything...jeepers...Where are the young people chanting revolutionary slogans? Where are the young people speaking out against capitalism? Where are the young people supporting militant environmentalism? Im an anarchist and I did my bit triyng to spread my message...too bad it felt like coming up against a brick wall.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

No America, they don't hate you for your freedoms...

they hate you cause you're a bunch of fuckwads who invaded their country and then YOU dickwads are shocked when it turns out that they don't like you. I am fucking sick and tired of amreican bullshit.  Land of the free, home of the brave my fucking arse. cuntknockers. and by the way i really, really hate being anti-american. my view has always been that you can't really judge an entire country by what its leadership chooses to do but fuck me its getting harder to live by that when stupid fucking americans kee on electing warmongerers and arseholes to represent them. its such crap maaaan! Fuck america and fuck american exceptionalism! Fucking think they're special. Fuuuuucccck oooffffff!And now the latest...ever since they invaded iraq over a 100,000(conservative estimate by the way) iraqi civilians have been killed. now some these iraqis have been killed by other iraqis...and america should still get the blame for that. ok and dont even think that im defending saddam, by all accounts the guy was an arse, what i am saying is that the fucking cunting americans went in their on  a lie and yet they have the nerve to act like they're the good guys? Fuck that, once again, fuck you america. Anyway back to the purpose of this blog...remember the HAditha killings back in 2005. when american soldiers killed 24 iraqi civilians? Well the case is coming to an end...

A US marine who admitted charges linked to the killing of 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians in 2005 should face no time in detention, a judge has recommended.

The decision by the judge at Camp Pendleton, California, must be approved by the commander of the Marine Corps Forces Central Command.
Sgt Frank Wuterich faced a maximum of three months after admitting dereliction of duty in a plea deal.

He was one of eight marines charged over the killings at Haditha.

The charges against six were dropped or dismissed, and one was acquitted.

Military judge Lt Col David Jones said his hands had been tied by the terms of the plea agreement. However, he said he would recommend that Wuterich's rank be reduced to private.

The judge said he had decided not to dock the marine's pay because Wuterich is divorced with sole custody of his three young children.

Prosecutors had asked that Wuterich receive the maximum sentence of three months confinement, reduction in rank and forfeiture of two-thirds of his pay.

Wuterich's guilty plea ended the trial at Camp Pendleton nearly seven years after the killings.

Prosecutors had argued that on the day of the killings Wuterich lost control after seeing a friend blown apart by a bomb, before leading the soldiers under his command on a rampage.

They said his decision to send his squad to attack nearby homes went against his training.

"That is a horrific result from that derelict order of shooting first, ask questions later," Lt Col Sean Sullivan told the court.

Among the dead were women, children and elderly people, including a man in a wheelchair.

Relatives of the victims have expressed outrage at the outcome of the trial

His former squad members testified during the hearings that they were not fired upon nor did they find any weapons at the scene of the killings.

Wuterich told the court that he ordered his men to "shoot first, ask questions later" so they would not hesitate in attacking the enemy, but he never intended to harm any civilians.
 So...24 innocent civilians killed and no one is going to face justice. And this is the country that's supposed to be a "shining beacon". And they wonder why so many people in the world are anti-American. Fucking cunting bollocks.

Monday 23 January 2012

Come on Fiji...

you can do it. So just a few days i was ranting about those 2 women who got struck by lightning....sad story yada yada yada...then i open todays paper and some guy recently died in the floods happening at the moment.. he tried to swim across a raging river and got swept away. and just why he was swimming across a raging river? to save his wife? no! to save his kids? nope...our hero was tring to save his pigs. his. fucking. pigs. jesus fucking christ on a bicycle. Like i said in my other post, i have a shitload of symoathy for the guys family but WHY THE FUCK  would you do something like that? thos e fucking pigs better be made of solid gold or some shit to die over. oh wait hang on, even if they were fucking made of it really worth your life. fucking wisen up people, mother nature is a badass bitch and she will fucking kill YOU if you do something stupid. fuck this shit pisses me off. you died for your pigs, that's how you'll be remembered. and did the guy even save his fucking pigs in the end? I just read that he was trying to save his pigs and stopped reading. fucking idiot. And that's why i say COME ON FIJI...GO FIJI GO! Keep it up and who knows? We could make it in the annual Darwin Awards! Yay!

Sunday 22 January 2012

man...why you always gotta be a dick?

ok im sure that most of you think im a dick. and this blog probably hasn't done much to dissuade you of that notion. and i will be the first one to admit that i can be a dick. an argumentative, irreverent dick at that.  it's just the way i am. i have, or rather i like to cultivate a deeply cynical, jaded view of the world because in my opinion 9 times oit of 10, people just fuck you up. 9 times out of 10. and so you build your armour up strong. and you make it impenetrable. and you sit back content that no can get through. and you act like a dick. but theres always that 10th time. that one moment that makes you think/feel that as a species we might be arseholes most of the time but there are always, always the good people. the people who do charity work, the people who unselfishly give their lives for others. so that's the good people on a big level. for me, personally, i've realised something that i really should have said a long time ago. my friends are good people. just good, good people. it never fails to amaze me how my friends will go out of their way to help me out. my daughter collapsed yesterday while we were at a friends place and i have never seen my friend or his heavily pregnant wife move so fast. before i knew it we were at the hospital where they insisted, insisted on staying around,  i don't know, i just felt really touched by that. and lucky for that matter. the Little Empress is ok by the way, thanks for asking. anyway, after that another friend shows up and just drove me everywhere as i ran around getting shit togehter including a run to nausori and back, tried to give him fuel money and he flat out refused. it's a humbling thing when you realise that there ARE people who would go to the wall for you. and this isn't the first time this has happened. my friends have always been there. always had my back, always been there to go the wire. i don't know if i deserve such friends but i sure as shit am glad to have them in my life. Vinaka vakalevu!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

lightning craaasssshesss old mother dieeesss! Look Im sorry to make fun of the dead. Especially someone who just got struck by lighting but fuck my life...why the fuck would you go fishing in that type of weather? And now...2 women are dead. fucking genius...not really. what kind of person sees bad weather and decides to go fishing. fucking fishing. jesus horatio christ! Seriously though, i've heard people say before that the fish bite better in rough weather(is that even true?) but still, is a good catch really worth...hmmm...your life????  you know what the problem is? in fiji, most of us do not have enough respect for water. we seem to think that because we live on an island we have some sort of affinity with large(or even small for that matter) bodies of water. so we go out and do stupid shit at the wrongest times. I mean, what the fuck, fishing in bad weather AND a lightning storm! Fuckinghell! I have sympathy for the families of the two women who died but the women themselves in my opinion deserve to be the first entrants in The Darwin Awards Fijistyle for 2012. The sea does not give a fuck about you...that motherfucker will kill you dead in a heartbeat. Yuo see the same thing with fish poisoning, we think we know all about marine, no you fish poisoned dickead. We need to stop being so viavialevu when it comes to water and start paying a little more respect and attention to something that will kill you stone dead if you're being a careless arsehole! I'm scared of lightning, not ashamed to admit it. didn't go for my walk yesterday because of it. you know why im scared of lightning, because whilst i know the chances of me being struck are small, it still exists and more importantly, i can minimise the risk even further by taking the very,very simple precaution of  STAYING THE FUCK INDOORS!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

no power, shitty weather,feeling sick...

and despite all that today is still a good fucking day for me. Why, you ask? (even if you didn't and don't care why today is a good day for me, i'll tell you anyway). . There aren't many things that can get me maudlin, i mean im the kinda person that can see a cute puppy and think to myself...that mutt looks like a proper shit machine. my daughter is one of the few that can and today she celebrates her 3rd birthday. So happy birthday baby, maybe one day you'll get to read this...who knows? stranger things have happened...although you won't be allowed on the internet till you're say 35? Hahaha! No im internet, no dating till you're 35. AT LEAST. that's the thing though with raising children especially little girls since in my opinion they're more vulnerable than little boys (feel free to call me a chauvinist pig).  there's only so much you can do as a parent/aunty/uncle. all we can do is lay the foundation, teach them what's out there and then let them go. **sob**. it fucking scares me that my daughter will one day be bringing home her boyfriend/girlfriend for me to meet. jeez, how do i not throttle the shit outta the little shit(her partner that is)'s scary maaaan...shes 3 today which means we really need to start talking to her about people touching her inappropriately, something no parent wants to do but you have to fucking do it. then theres gonna be the times when you have to discipline her and most likely make her cry. then theres allowing her to fight her own battles when all you wanna do is the the fuck over and kick the shit out of the smegma who made your little girl cry (even if she is in the wrong)...but you do all that in the hopes that you raise a strong, independent woman(in the best sense of the word, not the beyonce-sellmyvagina-knowles way). so happy birthday  Allia Teyra Elbourne...may you always find joy in whatever life throws at you and may be a source of joy to those around you. love you my daughter.

Monday 16 January 2012

fuck it i give up...

im a bit too qase to be fooling myself. the truth is i am a bad drunk and i fucking hate myself the next day. i might have a problem with aggression(gee you think? look at the tone of this blog arsehole!) and noooowwww i'm talking to myself. On my own blog. Haha! so from tomorrow the 18th of january which also happens to be Little Empress's  birthday im off the booze. start off with one month and also see if i can get some proffesional help for the issues that always, always come out screaming like a fucking banshee every time i get drunk. im tired of seeing that look in The Management's eyes the next day. Shit man Im gonna be 32 this year and i still get jealous like a 16 year old...that shit ain't right. it ain't right. not too mention im trying my best to get healthier and alcohol inhibits the bodies ability to break fat down so there's that. fucking enough with the self-delusions mada, time to man up and admit that i do have a problem. and it's fucking up my relationships...not just with The Management but with all the other people in my life. so, if i've done something bad to you or said some shit to you while i was drunk i apologise unreservedly...mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. My name is alex elbourne and i have a drinking problem.

Thursday 12 January 2012

this music shizznit!

Look I don't mind or care for that matter that drake is your favourite rapper. Or that you think lil' wayne is awesome. Good for you, im happy. but please,please dont even compare your pop music to the shit I listen to. Seriously, I know you think rihanna is the pinnacle of musicality (is that even a word?) but fuck my life, i could name female artists that would shit rihanna out and not even realise they've shat some shit out. And yes, I know music is a very subjective thing and what one person loves, another might hate. I know all that. but fuckinghell if you say to me that flo-rida is a better lyricist than shad, i feel like wrapping a fucking microphone cored around your scrawny chicken neck. Let's do a quick comparison shall we? Here's flo-rida with say...low...

"I ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,
this crazy all night spendin my dough
Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go
Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show
So sexual, she was flexible
Professional, drinkin X and ooo
Hold up wait a minute, do I see what I think I
Did I think I seen shorty get low
Ain't the same when it's up that close
Make it rain, I'm makin it snow
Work the pole, I got the bank roll
Imma say that I prefer them no clothes
I'm into that, I love women exposed
She threw it back at me, I gave her more
Cash ain't a problem, I know where it goes

So that's per usual rapping about women and sex...blah blah fuckity blah!

Now let's see what Canadian born Nigerian rapper shad has to offer from a song called A story no one told...

God exhaled
The moon shivered in a blue river
Stardust fell
Through space released and gave its peace
To a man in his place beneath
Graciously as he laid asleep
draped in sheets
with his honest wife
in the gold days of his old age
and on this nice August night
his soul raised
he saw this light - the calmest bright -
like Coldplay, it was all yellow
and in its gold rays, he saw his plight
as it showed him the youth that he’d forgot about
like how he block the spout on his house’s hose
and not let the water out

Can you in all fucking honesty compare the two? You can't can you...motherfucker! So enjoy your pop, shit I enjoy pop music...Duh right...its called pop because its POPular. But dont ever fall into the trap of thinking that mainstream music is anywhere near what's being done in the underground scene of ANY music genre. Pop music is popular because it caters to the lowest common denominator and all too often our LCD is pretty shit!

And now to depress the shit outta you...

Anyone else here think about death? About dying and what if anything comes next? I do. Every fucking night I hope that I'll make it to the next day. Seriously, literally every night.  It's fucked up. I don't let it affect me (well I think it doesn't affect me) but the thought is always hanging around like a harbinger of well...death. Haha! And when you think (obsess?) about a subject, any subject for a long time you eventually come to some sort of understanding I guess of the whole thing. It's the finality of death which freaks me out I think. And I'd love to believe that the people I love who have died are in a better place. I'd love to believe that my grandmother is in heaven with my uncle. All my friends who went too soon are there. I'd truly love to believe that. I want to believe. I want to believe. De Fox Mulder. In fact, I sometimes wonder if fear of death is one of the driving forces behind religion. It's like "hey guys guess what, when you cease, you actually gone on to another level in spirit form" and the other peeps are like "and who told you that?" and the first dudes like "god. god told me that" and everyone else is like "hallllllaluia!!!!". Shit I don't know. Another thing...we truly live on the sufferance of the universe. Between each breath we take nothing is guaranteed.  There's a sort of grace, a type of elegance about that thought. We breathe, we shit, we fuck, we laugh, we cry, we live! Fucking make the most of it because there's a very real chance that this is the ONLY shot we get! So go out there and be a fucking animal this weekend! Woooooo hooooooooo!

Shit that irritates you!

* people that substitute swear words with other words. For example people who say fudge instead of fuck. Oi you fudging genieass the word isn't important its the INTENT that counts. Dickheads.

*people who are late. Although I've noticed most people have a genuine excuse for being late and im the one who's a bit OCD about punctuality

*people who (and I noticed this is a big one here in Fiji) make a statement without thinking. For example "man that shirt makes you look indian"...ok fuckface, WHAT exactly is wrong with looking indian? The worst kind of racist, an accidental one.

* people who ask me why I'm always reading AND THEN go on to say "Man I never read"...that's why you're an ignorant skidmark.

*people who look weirdly at you whne you talk about world issues and then say "oh that doesnt affect me"....whaaaaat? Of course it affects you dipshit.

*****Feel free to post your own pet peeves in the comment section. Go for it season beeeechessss******

Wow I'm venting like a champion venter...

anyway like I said in my last post(which was all of 10 minutes ago...hahahaha!) The Beatles...

At that point in their career, the Beatles were a leather-clad rock cover band who were known for drinking and spewing obsenities on stage. Epstein persuaded them that they needed him as a manager and, after John agreed, completely changed their image. He made them clean up their stage act and wear suits everywhere they went. He promised they'd be bigger than Elvis.
Link (so you know Im not bullshitting you):

My point...where the fuck did I leave it? Hey, look at the shiny thing! Oh right, back on topic...I'm a huge fan of Bob Marley. A huge fucking fan. When I was younger, he was my role model. Do you know what happened? I grew the fuck up and realised that at the end of the day, it's just music and these people are just singers. Entertainers...really nothing more than a higher class of circus clown. Yes, there are relevant lessons that you could maybe, maybe take away from a particular song. And yes, music does soothe the savage beast. act like these guys and girls are role models. Fuck that. Is it just me or do we put the wrong people on a pedestal? Actually now that I think about it as ridiculous as worshipping a singer is, what's even more fucked up is worshipping and idolising someone because they're reallllly gooood at kicking a ball or passing it. Probably the only sportsman I would maybe do it to(hehe) is David Pocock and it has nothing to do with his on-field performance. The guy is an amazing role model in my opinion.

"Now they're both passionate about charity work and Pocock dedicates much of his energy to his own charity 'Eightytwenty Vision', which he and close friend Luke O'Keefe established in 2009.
The charity provides initiatives for people in rural Zimbabwe to break the cycle of poverty with small self-help projects.
It also focuses on helping promote maternity care for expecting mothers in the third world country.
"In most developing countries maternal health is at the bottom of the priority list when it comes to government funding so that's one area we're really trying to improve."
The difference is already evident with a hospital that usually has 18 births in a year is now handling the same number of births every month."


Sell the vagina!

Seriously has anyone seen beyonce or what's her (fuck) face Rhihana anything that goes past the knee?  And look,  before you start going on about a woman's right to wear whatever the hell she wants to, I'm all for that. I am. What fucking irritates the shit out of me is WHY they do it. It's the tried and true method of selling sex. Sell the vagina! What's even more irritating is the assumption that just because I'm a man, I'm gonna fall for it. Fuck you all! (Of course, the MOST irritating thing of all is just how successful the strategy is.)  And beyonce should just stick to singing upbeat poppy songs because when you go into girl power mode I think to myself "If this(beyonce) is where womens liberation is these days,'re fucked! You aren't a role model, not you, not rihanna, not...caita, quick, someone give me the name of another pop're nothing more a money mine for the record executives. They pull all the just the puppet. It's all bullshit man. And don't even go on about the good ol' days...the music industry has always been cynical. REad up on how the beatles were told to clean up their act if you wanna see what im talking about. So, ladies, the next time you're bellowing the words to a beyonce song about how "us girls ruuuun the world"...that's perfectly fine. Just always know what you're representing is all.

friday the 13thhhhhh.....

So today is friday the 13th. Let me just state that I for one do not believe in that superstitious nonsense...he says as he knocks on wood, throws salt over his left shoulder and keeps an eye open for black cats....bwahahahahahahaha!

i might as well start ranting now...

You know what gives me the shits?  People who love to go on about how open-minded they are until you start a conversation about religion and they get that look in their eyes. You know the look? The one that says " I can't believe you're questioning the word of our lord jesus christ". FUCK YOU! Seriously it's because we're trained not to question that religion is allowed to get away with all sorts of abuses. Fuck it man, question everything, even, ESPECIALLY your most deeply held beliefs. Ask yourself, why do I believe what I believe? If you're being honest, the truth is, our religious beliefs were drummed into us from when we were babies. You're not born believing in god or the devil or good or evil. Those things are taught to you. You could say belief in a higher power is a virus passed on to us from our parents(in most cases) whne we're children. And don't even try and say I'm stating there's DEFINITELY no god. Such certainty belings to hard-core atheists who in my opinion are just as bad as fundaementalist christians. My position and it's one I've arrived at after years and years of soul-searching(assuming of course, there is such a thing as a soul...hmmmm) is doubt. I JUST DON'T KNOW! Is there a god? There's no solid, empirical evidence of his/her/its existence but hey, in the end, you don't know for certain. So I just don't know. So I'll stick to doubting and questioning everything around me while you just stick to being a smug, self-righteous prick who thinks he/she knows eveything.  And another thing...people who say that "well now isn't the best time to discuss this." Then when is a good time? Religion permeates pretty much every facet of our lives especially in Fiji, it should be discussed whenever it comes  up. Let's stop being such pussies about the topic. I have strong opinions on the way religion is conducted in this country and I'd love ot talk about it...minus YOU parroting mindless doctrine. Whew...glad I got that off my chest.

hit the ground running...

Well here we is. I got me a blog. Chichi! Me man! Haha. Anyway...for those who are even slightly interested, je m'appelle alex! I just realised... seeing as probably only my friends will (hopefully) be reading this introducing myself is kinda redundant so fuck that. I will say though that the reason for me doing this is a pretty simple one, I have a bad case of writeritis and since my column got canned my fingers have been pretty itchy to write something, any-fucking-thing. It's a bit sad really...what's even sadder is how much self-promotion I'll be doing to get you and others like you to read my shit...hmmm...I wonder if any culture does read shit. You know, we've got people who believe in reading animal guts to predict the future. I wonder if somewhere out there, there's some local shaman encouraging someone to crap so they can read it. And you think your job is shit. Wow...ADD much?  I will try and post updates as often as I can but seeing as I'm such a lazy bugger I can't promise you much.  As for what I'll be posting, fucking anything goes...anything at all. Word of advice, this is the place I'll be coming to to vent, so if you're a lily-livered prancing prissy prick don't bother your sensitive little soul. Alright time to tone down the aggro. Hahaha! I hope you enjoy the shit I post, please feel free to comment and...yeah, I guess that's it. For now! ***outro music plays***