Thursday 12 January 2012

i might as well start ranting now...

You know what gives me the shits?  People who love to go on about how open-minded they are until you start a conversation about religion and they get that look in their eyes. You know the look? The one that says " I can't believe you're questioning the word of our lord jesus christ". FUCK YOU! Seriously it's because we're trained not to question that religion is allowed to get away with all sorts of abuses. Fuck it man, question everything, even, ESPECIALLY your most deeply held beliefs. Ask yourself, why do I believe what I believe? If you're being honest, the truth is, our religious beliefs were drummed into us from when we were babies. You're not born believing in god or the devil or good or evil. Those things are taught to you. You could say belief in a higher power is a virus passed on to us from our parents(in most cases) whne we're children. And don't even try and say I'm stating there's DEFINITELY no god. Such certainty belings to hard-core atheists who in my opinion are just as bad as fundaementalist christians. My position and it's one I've arrived at after years and years of soul-searching(assuming of course, there is such a thing as a soul...hmmmm) is doubt. I JUST DON'T KNOW! Is there a god? There's no solid, empirical evidence of his/her/its existence but hey, in the end, you don't know for certain. So I just don't know. So I'll stick to doubting and questioning everything around me while you just stick to being a smug, self-righteous prick who thinks he/she knows eveything.  And another thing...people who say that "well now isn't the best time to discuss this." Then when is a good time? Religion permeates pretty much every facet of our lives especially in Fiji, it should be discussed whenever it comes  up. Let's stop being such pussies about the topic. I have strong opinions on the way religion is conducted in this country and I'd love ot talk about it...minus YOU parroting mindless doctrine. Whew...glad I got that off my chest.

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