Monday 16 January 2012

fuck it i give up...

im a bit too qase to be fooling myself. the truth is i am a bad drunk and i fucking hate myself the next day. i might have a problem with aggression(gee you think? look at the tone of this blog arsehole!) and noooowwww i'm talking to myself. On my own blog. Haha! so from tomorrow the 18th of january which also happens to be Little Empress's  birthday im off the booze. start off with one month and also see if i can get some proffesional help for the issues that always, always come out screaming like a fucking banshee every time i get drunk. im tired of seeing that look in The Management's eyes the next day. Shit man Im gonna be 32 this year and i still get jealous like a 16 year old...that shit ain't right. it ain't right. not too mention im trying my best to get healthier and alcohol inhibits the bodies ability to break fat down so there's that. fucking enough with the self-delusions mada, time to man up and admit that i do have a problem. and it's fucking up my relationships...not just with The Management but with all the other people in my life. so, if i've done something bad to you or said some shit to you while i was drunk i apologise unreservedly...mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. My name is alex elbourne and i have a drinking problem.

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