Tuesday 17 January 2012

no power, shitty weather,feeling sick...

and despite all that today is still a good fucking day for me. Why, you ask? (even if you didn't and don't care why today is a good day for me, i'll tell you anyway). . There aren't many things that can get me maudlin, i mean im the kinda person that can see a cute puppy and think to myself...that mutt looks like a proper shit machine. my daughter is one of the few that can and today she celebrates her 3rd birthday. So happy birthday baby, maybe one day you'll get to read this...who knows? stranger things have happened...although you won't be allowed on the internet till you're say 35? Hahaha! No im serious...no internet, no dating till you're 35. AT LEAST. that's the thing though with raising children especially little girls since in my opinion they're more vulnerable than little boys (feel free to call me a chauvinist pig).  there's only so much you can do as a parent/aunty/uncle. all we can do is lay the foundation, teach them what's out there and then let them go. **sob**. it fucking scares me that my daughter will one day be bringing home her boyfriend/girlfriend for me to meet. jeez, how do i not throttle the shit outta the little shit(her partner that is)...it's scary maaaan...shes 3 today which means we really need to start talking to her about people touching her inappropriately, something no parent wants to do but you have to fucking do it. then theres gonna be the times when you have to discipline her and most likely make her cry. then theres allowing her to fight her own battles when all you wanna do is the the fuck over and kick the shit out of the smegma who made your little girl cry (even if she is in the wrong)...but you do all that in the hopes that you raise a strong, independent woman(in the best sense of the word, not the beyonce-sellmyvagina-knowles way). so happy birthday  Allia Teyra Elbourne...may you always find joy in whatever life throws at you and may be a source of joy to those around you. love you my daughter.

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